They shape us. They unite us. They’re at the heart of everything we do. Learn more about our shared values.
They shape us. They unite us. They’re at the heart of everything we do. Learn more about our shared values.
Honesty, Integrity and an unwavering commitment to Responsible Gambling (RG). These are the keys to building your trust in OLG – and we know that our ongoing success depends on your confidence in our actions.
We have high standards for ourselves and everyone we work with, from our partners and service providers to our retailers and stakeholders.
We make sure that the regulations of the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO) are followed across our lines of business, and we uphold the standards of the PlaySmart and RG Check programs wherever they apply.

The following key initiatives are examples of how we maintain integrity in all areas of our business.

- Employees must adhere to the Public Service of Ontario Act, 2006 and acknowledge that they have read and understood OLG’s Code of Business Conduct.
- Employees attest yearly to the Responsible Gambling Code of Conduct.
- OLG employees are prohibited from participating in lottery and internet gaming, and from playing games at Charitable Gaming Centres across Ontario.
The Integrity Matters hotline is available to all employees and vendors to anonymously report suspected unethical, fraudulent, or illegal activities.
- OLG manages the procurement process through policies, procedures, and guidelines that maintain our high level of fiduciary and ethical accountability.
- Vendors may be required to register with the AGCO.
- Where applicable, procurement opportunities are posted on MERXTM, an electronic tendering service used for doing business with the Canadian public sector and government agencies.
- All games must comply with the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO) regulations.
- Lottery retailers must comply with our Lottery Retailer Code of Conduct and OLG integrity programs
- Data Analysis Retrieval Technology (DART) supports lottery security, customer protection, and fraud detection.
- We have developed operating policies and procedures that ensure all complaints are recognized, documented and handled appropriately.
- Complaints can be submitted through OLG’s Support Centre.
- Individuals must be 18 years of age or older to participate in lottery, charitable gaming and in-store sports betting, in Ontario. Individuals must be 19 years of age or older to visit casinos and slot facilities in Ontario, and to participate in online casino gaming and online sports betting, in Ontario. Age verification for OLG.ca is conducted by Equifax.
- The Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO) Regulatory Standards for gaming are now the primary driver for age verification policies.
- Our Mystery Shop Program confirms that lottery retailers and their employees check the photo IDs of anyone who appears to be under the age of 25.
- OLG has implemented the Acceptable IT user policy addressing responsible technology use that employees must acknowledge reading and understanding.
As of fiscal year 2017-2018, all employees were required to complete mandatory Cybersecurity Awareness Training.
Since 2005, OLG has adopted the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) standards for customer service, information and communications, employment, transportation, and design of public spaces.
- Our comprehensive policies and procedures are in place to deter and detect suspicious transactions, including money laundering.
- All transactions or payments of $10,000 or more are reported to FINTRAC, including multiple payments totaling $10,000 or more within 24 consecutive hours on behalf of the same individual or entity.
- OLG complies with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA); we regularly review and update our policies in line with FIPPA requirements and privacy best practices.
- Privacy considerations are embedded into our business systems and processes according to the principles of the Privacy by Design framework.
- OLG’s Information Access and Privacy Services group provides advice, conducts privacy impact assessments, and investigates reported breaches and complaints.
Integrity Matters
OLG’s reputation is built on public trust and confidence. Maintaining this trust requires a commitment to act with integrity. To ensure our integrity is intact, OLG has established an independent, confidential, and anonymous reporting system to provide our employees, players, customers and current, prospective and past suppliers of goods and services with a way to report suspected unethical, illegal or fraudulent activities, or other serious wrongdoing that may impact OLG.
If you see or suspect serious acts of wrongdoing in your dealing with OLG, you may report your concerns in one of the following ways:

Call toll-free 1-866-637-4523, and
Speak with a Hotline Agent; or,
Leave a detailed voicemail message
Mail your report to:
P.O Box 11017
Toronto, ON M1E 1N0
- Help managing your OLG.ca Player’s account
- Issues with an OLG Lottery retailer or
- Additional information about our lottery products and other web related queries
For general inquiries, media contacts or information about lottery numbers, get in touch with us here!
Notice: If you wish to remain anonymous, please do not provide any information that will identify you and do not submit your report using your work phone or computer. If you choose to provide personal information, it will be collected under the authority of the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation Act and/or the Public Service of Ontario Act. The information you provide will be used to process and investigate your report and will only be disclosed to authorized OLG personnel and possibly to legal authorities, regulatory authorities and OLG’s service providers. Questions about this collection should be directed to OLG's Legal Services at 416-224-1772 or by mail to: Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation, OLG Support Centre, 70 Foster Drive, Suite 800, Sault Ste. Marie, ON P6A 6V2. This is not a Procurement Dispute Resolution service.