OLG pays a portion of revenue earned at each gaming site to the respective host community. Communities have often used the money for capital purchases and infrastructure projects like fire trucks, roads, bridges, municipal buildings and community centres, economic and tourist development, local charities and events, and parks and recreation.
In fiscal 2020-21:

paid to municipalities and Ontario First Nations that host gaming facilities and Charitable Gaming Centres.
Charitable Gaming Communities
Our Charitable Bingo and Gaming Revitalization is a unique partnership of the public, private and charitable/non-profit sectors.
Charities receive a commission based on a percentage of net gaming win. Host municipalities also receive a commission for managing charity eligibility and use of charitable proceeds.

In Charitable Gaming proceeds distributed to participating local charities
Festivals and Events
OLG supports local festival and events across Ontario each year. In addition, $10 million in annual proceeds goes to the Quest for Gold program, administered by the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport to support amateur athletes.

in corporate sponsorships including festivals and events