Bet on Green is our environmental program, where we take action on our own and in partnership with others to reduce the environmental impacts of our products and operations.
What We’ve Achieved

We’ve reduced our annual energy use by an average of 5.5% since fiscal 2010-11 – our total reduction of 125,010 GJ of energy is equal to the amount used by 2,574 homes in one year

A total reduction of
125,010 GJ
of energy

The amount used to power
2,574 homes
in one year

By reducing annual office and lottery paper use by an average of 21% since fiscal 2008-09, we’ve saved more than 65,357 trees

Since fiscal 2008-09,
we’ve saved
more than


Waste reduction efforts have cut the amount of waste we generate annually by an average of 27% since 2009

The number of employees a year that volunteer at Bet on Green events
Community Partners
Partnerships with communities and credible organizations are a big part of Bet on Green. Our sponsorships have included World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC).