Windsor Charities
Descriptive video transcript
A sequence of shots of things you might find in a school ñ pencil cases, binders, a clock, and children.
Caption: Kenny - Executive Director
A middle-aged man speaks to someone off camera. "We have a boy here who is in grade two and heís struggling to read." A woman pushes a baby in a stroller. "A lot of them come from single family homes, one parent income homes. And without the centre, these kids would have nowhere to go." Children are shown sitting at desks, listening to a teacher. "When you are a new Canadian itís very hard to see yourself reflective in your community." An man speaks to someone off camera. "These are very intelligent kids. Because you donít speak English very well doesnít mean that theyíre stupid."
Caption: Nikia - Program Co-ordinator
An woman speaks to someone off camera. "Our motto here is, itís not your grade itís your mind."
Caption: Proceeds from Windsorís Charitable Bingo and Gaming Centres go to local charities, like Youth Connection.
The sun is shining outside. Kids are entering a building with their backpacks, books, and water bottles. "So what we are trying to do is teach them how to become productive as citizens of this country." An man helps some of the children with their homework. "For a lot of these kids heís a dad. He gives them the structure and the stability that they may not have at home." Children work at desks, they laugh and smile, and an boy presents in front of his class wearing a medal around his neck. "When you open their mind, once you turn the tap, I think sky is the limit for them." An woman smiles as she talks about her son. "He didnít know a lot of things, but now since he started coming here he is doing a lot of good things in school." An boy reads aloud to his classmates. The walls of the room are covered with pictures of all the kids that have been involved in the program. "Over the years we have seen over about 3000-4000 kids coming through this door, which I am truly very proud of." Teachers help the students with their work. "They actually teach me more than I teach them. My hope is for them to achieve their dreams and goals in life." A sequence of shots of some of the children currently involved in the Youth Connection program smiling at the camera. "Last year alone, Charitable Bingo and gaming centres gave back over $8 million to charities in their communities. This is only part of the $36 billion OLG has contributed to Ontario since 1975. Real stories like this are happening all over the province all the time. To see more stories visit modernolg.ca."