OLG gives 100% of profits back to Ontario. When we play together. We win together.
OLG gives 100% of profits back to Ontario. When we play together. We win together.
Since our first lottery launched in 1975, OLG has been giving back to the province, people, and communities of Ontario — it’s the reason we exist. 100% of OLG’s profits are reinvested back into the province. Through our operations, we are making Ontario stronger by providing billions of dollars in revenue to support government priorities. Here are just some of the ways we’ve made an impact in the 2022-23 fiscal year:
$2.5 billion
net profit to the province
$730 million
in support for local economies
$103 million
for corporate responsibility
Casino Gaming Host Communities
OLG benefits the communities that host our gaming facilities in a number of ways.
A portion of the profits earned at each OLG gaming site are paid directly to the host community.
This revenue does a lot of good, from the purchase of firetrucks to supporting the construction of roads, bridges, community centres, and more.

Supporting local charities is an important part of how OLG gives back to Ontario.
Our Charitable Bingo and Gaming Revitalization project brings together the public, private, and non-profit sectors in a unique partnership to provide a percentage of net gaming wins to charities and the communities that host them.

Lottery games are a win-win situation for players and retailers alike. About 9,800 contracted lottery retailers in Ontario benefit from the increase in customer visits that lottery sales bring. Plus, every time someone buys a ticket, the retailer gets a commission — and when a winning ticket is redeemed at their location, they receive a prize redemption fee.

Festivals and events aren’t just fun activities — they create jobs, bring in revenue, and are important for Ontario’s economic development.
OLG proudly supports a variety of local festivals and events across Ontario each year.