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In “Modernizing Lottery and Gaming in Ontario”, a report delivered to the Minister of Finance, OLG outlined a proposal to transform lottery and gaming in Ontario to modernize the system and create jobs. By modernizing lottery and gaming, in addition to initiatives currently underway, in 2017, OLG will contribute an additional $1.3 billion annually to key public priorities; usher in $3 billion in new private sector capital investment in the province; and help create some 2,300 net new jobs across Ontario and an estimated 4,000 service sector jobs in the hospitality, hotel, restaurant, entertainment and retail sectors. Many other Canadian jurisdictions have also expanded the private sector engagement in lottery and gaming. For example: British Columbia Since 1998, private operators have owned and operated casinos in British Columbia. The British Columbia Lottery Corporation (BCLC) determines where gaming facilities go. BCLC owns the games and the game management system as well as the loyalty program. BCLC works with the private sector on where and how gambling opportunities will be made available. Private sector providers supply the facilities and operate casinos. Alberta Since 1980, private operators have owned and operated casinos in Alberta. Slot machines are purchased and owned by AGLC. The service provider owns all other assets. AGLC monitors the network of slot machines through a remote system. Nova Scotia Since 1995, private operators have owned and operated the two destination casinos in Nova Scotia. All assets (gaming and non-gaming) are purchased and owned by the service provider; however ownership of all assets reverts back to NSGC upon contract termination. New Brunswick The first destination casino in New Brunswick was opened in May 2010. All assets (gaming and non-gaming) are purchased and owned by the service provider. Copies of the report are available at For further information: OLG Media Relations, 1.888.946.6716
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