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Video Transcript – All For Kings & Queens

All For Kings & Queens

Descriptive video transcript

OLG is all for fairs, festivals and fun across Ontario.

Sound Design: Music begins to play.

Open on a horse and rider walking into the stadium at the Royal Winter Fair.

Audio: We’re Ontario’s Lottery & Gaming. And we’re all for here.

We see farmers and children on tractors competing in ploughing matches.

Audio: We’re all for planting seeds.

Audio: And watching them grow.

We see an older woman handing her quilts on the line.

Audio: We’re all for age old traditions.

We see various people with animals at The Royal Fair petting zoo.

Audio: And brand new friends.

We see a tractor and then a young girls doing early morning chores.

Audio: All for getting up.

We see a group of kids sliding down the ice slide at Winterlude.

Audio: Getting down.

And then a big crowd skating on the Rideau during Winterlude.

Audio: and getting out there.

An image of a young couple skating on the ice. And then some of the Canadian Cowgirl showing horses at the International Plowing Match.

Audio: All for dressing up.

Show dogs running and doing tricks, including jumping on a trainers feet.

Audio: And showing off.

We see Elvis impersonators at Elvis Festival in Collingwood.

Audio: We’re all for kings.

And then we see the Queen of the Furrow ploughing competition.

Audio: and queens.

Cut to crowd shots from various events.

Audio: and loyal subjects too.

Then we see time lapse of yellow OLG pin at several sponsored events.

Audio: We’re proud supporters of Fairs and Festivals all across Ontario.

Audio: We’re Ontario’s Lottery & Gaming And we’re all for here.

Sound Design: OLG chime and the music ends.